Graduate Support Services
Helping the families we serve not only succeed today but remain stable in their housing, financial capability and career paths tomorrow.

Homelessness has many causes and housing stability involves many solutions. Family Promise Affiliates have developed and implemented more than 1,000 different programs that address every aspect of stabilization.
Some get to the heart of core needs, such as childcare and job training, families face in order to regain self-sufficiency. Other initiatives find ways to match the strengths of local volunteers and the interests of local corporations with the needs of our guests, like financial literacy and mentoring. Similarly, many initiatives build off core tenets of the foundational shelter program itself, leading to efforts like food assistance, furniture and clothing donation, and health and wellness programs.
Probably no community initiative is more vital than the many housing programs Affiliates run. Currently, 104 Affiliates nationwide serve individuals in housing programs, including Permanent Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Transitional Housing, and others. As of December 2018, Affiliates were providing nearly 2,000 beds outside of their emergency shelter programs to parents and their children.
But our goal is not simply getting families into housing; it is keeping them in housing.
Key to this is identifying needs specific to the local community and tapping into the diverse resources our volunteer pool and partnerships provide. The result is families no longer at risk of homelessness.
And, even more importantly, through programs we have launched for tenancy preparation, micro-entrepreneurship, and virtual career pathway training, Affiliates create the basis for security and stability that separates families from poverty and allows them and their children to aspire to the future every child deserves.
S.T.A.R. (Stability Through Aftercare Resources)
Locally, Family Promise of White & Habersham has created the S.T.A.R program. For six months we work with a graduate family in the comfort of their own home by helping them create and accomplish goals for employment, education, transportation, health and community engagement. This is the foundation for each family that helps them stay in stable housing while increasing their independence. We work with them to continue to develop life skills, connect with community resources, maintain the budgeting skills they acquired in the program and improve housing and employment situations. Working through any issues as they arise and teaching families how to cope with "bumps" in the road are keys to ensuring they do not return to homelessness.

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